Adult Religious Education

Adult Religious Education, 2023-2024

There will be three Winter/Spring adult education courses this year:

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (learn more here) meets on Mondays from 6:00pm to 7:30pm in the parish hall.

At Home with the Word

Fr. Steve will continue to offer the At Home With the Word bible study program.  The group meets on Wednesdays at 2:30 PM, in the Parish Hall.  The only cost for this course is the price of the book, which is $15. If you are interested, please call and register at our Parish Office. The book that is being used is Liturgy Training Publication's At Home with the Word, which focuses on the Sunday readings for each week of the liturgical year.  Copies of this book are available in the Parish Office.

Wednesday Night Book Group

Fr. Steve continues to lead the Wednesday Night Book Group, which meets at 6:00pm on most Wednesdays throughout the year. 

To register for one of these courses, please complete the appropriate registration form below, and purchase your book either at the parish office, or directly through Amazon or the publisher.

Registration Form

At Home with the Word 2024

Book Club

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