September 2024
Dear Parents,
We are in need of catechists! Please consider serving in this vital ministry. This ministry happens only with many faithful and willing people willing to serve.
If you would like to register your child for religious education see the registration links below. Everything can be done online.
Our Religious Ed fee this year is $30 per child, and $60 total per family.
All kindergarten through 8th grade religious education classes, as well as Confirmation classes, will be held on Sundays in the St. Mary's School Gym following the 10 AM Mass (11:15-12:15).
We are looking forward to this year and getting to know your children and teaching them the faith!
Sr. Teresa Aparicio, OLVM
Coordinator of Faith Formation
Debbie Garcia
Director of Religious Education
505- 247-4271
Religious Education for 2024-25 will remain at $30 per child, max. $60 per family.
If you need assistance with the program fee, please contact Sr. Teresa or Debbie Garcia at the Parish Office.
You can pay anytime through our Online Giving portal.