A Weekly Financial Report is provided in the Sunday Bulletin which is accessible here.
Scheduled Second Collections:
July 23 & 24, Renovation/ Rejuvenation Fund.
August 6 & 7, St. Mary’s School.
August 20 & 21, Archdiocesan Catholic Charities.
August 27 & 28, Renovation/Rejuvenation Fund.
Your Immaculate Conception Church Legacy
Please consider including your parish in your estate planning decisions.
The Ave Maria Fund, a permanent endowment fund has been established to sustain the long term future of Immaculate Conception Church. Please help to insure that many future generations will be served our community.
For more information on planned giving, please visit The Catholic Foundation.
"Stewardship is...expressing gratitude to God by giving freely and generously to others. This 'giving freely' can be, as they say, my time, my talent, and/or my treasure."
- Archbishop Wester in his reflection on stewardship.
We are grateful for those who have pledged and donated to our parish's contribution to this year's Annual Catholic Appeal.
Our goal for 2022 is $36,000.
Please prayerfully consider donating. Funds help our archdiocesan seminarians, schools, and ministries provide much needed aid, education, and spiritual support in our communities. For more information about the Annual Catholic Appeal and its vitality to our archdiocese, please visit the link to their website above.